Edited to add: I have linked this up for the challenge over at Winter Wonderland-> here.
Hope you have been having a super week-end. I got up this morning with an idea running around my head for some gift card holders I need to make for Christmas gifts for my boys' teachers in early December. So I got drawing and cutting. This is what I came up with for one of them.
And here is how I did it:
Step 1: Print out the template - just right click and save as, then print.
Step 2: Cut out all the pieces, note cut 2 of the hat trim.
Step 3: Add glue to the outer edge of one of the pieces of hat trim as shown below, don't put glue all
the way around!
Add the second piece on top of the glue.
It should look like this when glued together.
Step 4: Insert the red part of the hat into the opening.
Step 5: Make a hole and insert a split pin on the left hand side making sure to go through the red hat
portion as well.
Once split pin inserted and secured check that the hat "opens", by swiveling the red part
Step 6: Add the pom pom to the top of the hat.
Step 7: Turn card over and inset the gift card in the white portion as shown.
Step 8: You are finished. Decorate as desired.
I'd love to see your creations if you use this template - remember for personal use only please.
Happy crafting