Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Felt Fruit- Apple with template and tutorial

Hi Fellow Crafter's

Back with the promised apple pattern and tutorial.

OK straight onto the How To:
 1. Cut out the apple pieces using the pattern below the how to

2. Sew the two pieces together along the sides of the apple leaving the top and bottom straight edges

3. Turn inside out.

4. Run a gathering stitch around the top edge, being sure to insert the leaf before tightening and

4. Fill the apple with polyester filling.

 5. Run a gathering stitch around the bottom, tighten and secure.

 6. Now take a longer needle - one that will fit through the apple from the top to the base easily. Take
     the needle and thread and insert it through the top of the apple, bringing it out through the bottom,
     I recommend pacing it back up to the to and pulling the thread in slightly to give the apple its
     shape.  Once you are happy with the shape secure.

And viola you have your apple.

And the whole bowl of fruit I put together:

Now for the apple Pattern:
You know what to do.... right click on the pattern as save image as..... 
Happy Crafting

I am linking to Craft Schooling Sunday (see button in my side bar)

1 comment:

  1. It's very nice tutorial(like a pear tutorial) :) Thank for this :) I wanted to make felt fruit for my little cousin and this tutorial helped me very much. Thanks a lot !



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