Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Fat free cupcakes and a tutorial.


I made more cupcakes for gifts and have also had requests to show you how I "made" the cupcakes, so I made a video. (This is only my second attempt-not professional at all).


As mentioned in the video:
1. DIY cupcake holders can be found here (Another way is to simply cut apart a paper cupcake holder -like the one I used and use that as a pattern)
2. Felt strawberry pattern can be found here.

ALERT- both are from SUPER cool sites and I'm sure you will find much more inspiration on them ; - )

(Let me know if you can't follow the video I know the lighting isn't the best.)

Happy crafting


  1. Wow, this is really awesome!
    And thank you very much for the video.
    I'll definitely give this a try.

    Have a nice week.


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