Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Hugger" with a tutorial (of sorts!) and 2 freebies


Another gift idea I put together today for my DHs cousin, which has to be given tomorrow, as we will not be seeing them on Christmas day.


Now for the how to - I barely sew so this is a real novice attempt at a tutorial and pattern (LOL) so apologies up front.

Grab the pattern by right clicking on the image below and save image as. Once saved open the file and print. Seam allowance has been included and as I used felt I sewed as close as possible to the edge to avoid bulkiness.

Materials needed:
Felt                - white, red, orange  and black
Fibre filling  - to stuff the head and the body
Elastic          - for the arms and legs
Velcro          - to keep huggers hands together
Red Wire     - for earmuffs
Glue            - for eyes
Embroidery floss - mouth
Sewing machine


Here is how I made up his huggers aka springy arms and legs:
1. Cut the elastic into 4, 41/2" pieces.
2. Cut the arms and legs from white felt
3. Take the arm and leg pieces and attach the velcro to each piece.

4. Take the arms and legs and folding the piece of felt in half, attach the elastic to the top and bottom of the felt (see pics below)

Sew along the length of the arm and leg pieces pulling the elastic as you sew. This is what you should end up with.

5. Attach the arms and legs to the body where indicated on the pattern by the marks ---, ensure the legs are on the inside of the 2 body pieces before sewing so that when the body is turned inside out the legs and arms with be on the outside of the body.

6. Turn body the right way, stuff the body. Run a gathering stitch around the "neck" of the body and pull tight, sew it closed.

6. Take the head pattern piece and run a basting sick around the head, fill with fiber, and pull stitching shut, sew it closed.

7. Sew the carrot/nose piece (should cut one piece only for the nose) together and stuff with fibre fill - attach the carrot/nose to the snowman's face.

8. Cut the eyes and mouth out and place them on the snowman's face. Embroider the mouth using black embroidery floss. Highlight the checks (I used a pink Copic maker).

9. Take the ear muff circles and again run a basting stitch around the circle, filling it with fibre fill and creating small circles. attach a piece of wire or a pipe cleaner to hold the muffs together( I sewed my ear muffs onto the wire I used).

10. Cut the scarf out and make fringes in the bottom of the strip.
      Place the scarf on the snowman, embellish as desired.


FREEBIE: Right click on image below- it is the template (created by me) to the tag I attached, I actually used my Copics to color the tree after I printed it.


Happy Crafting

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